Word-Conditioned 3D American Sign Language Motion Generation

Lu Dong, Xiao Wang, Ifeoma Nwogu

University at Buffalo, SUNY

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Sign words are the fundamental building blocks of any sign language. In this work, we introduce wSignGen, a word-conditioned 3D American Sign Language (ASL) generation model designed to synthesize realistic and grammatically accurate motion sequences for signed words. Our approach employs a transformer-based diffusion model, trained and evaluated on a curated dataset of 3D motion mesh sequences derived from word-level ASL videos. By integrating CLIP, wSignGen offers two advantages: image-based generation, which is beneficial for non-English speakers and learners, and generalization to unseen synonyms. Experimental results demonstrate that wSignGen significantly outperforms the baseline model. Moreover, human evaluation experiments show that wSignGen can generate high-quality, grammatically correct ASL signs effectively conveyed through 3D avatars.

Type: Conference Paper

The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP Findings 2024)

Last Updated on September, 2024